Watching this movie really made me think of how many of us are sinners. Some more than others of course, but we all tend to have our sins. I will summarize the seven deadly sins. After reading them you will have to choose which one you are guilty of.
Pride- an excessive belief of oneself; conceitedness
Envy- desire for other abilities or situation; jealousy
Gluttony- the desire to consume more than needed
Lust- craving the pleasures of the body
Wrath- anger
Greed- the desire for material wealth
Sloth- avoiding physical work, laziness
After naming all these sins. Which one are you guilty of? Take in mind the times when you went to the buffet and ate as much as possible. Or the time when you hated a certain individual for being so spoiled. Even when you got mad over something so small. Also when you decided to take a nap instead of writing the English essay due. Like said before many of us are sinners, some of us are sinners of multiple of these sins. But that's what makes us human beings.
Pride Gluttony Greed Sloth Envy Wrath Lust