Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Going into class after missing a class period due to being sick I realized that I missed so much of the “choosing” our topics process. I noticed that the whole class had already picked our three topics and I was very unhappy with two of them. Our topics ended up being sexuality, pop culture and family. The first thing that came straight to my head was “What am I supposed to write about for pop culture….or family?” I had no idea what I was going to write about, but then our professor helped us on deciding what some argumentative issues we could write about for each topic. A few minutes later he told us to decide what order we wanted them in. So the first essay would only be ten percent of our grade, the second one would be twenty five percent and finally the third one would be the most, reaching at thirty five percent of our grade. Since I only liked one of our topics being Sexuality I really, really wanted this topic to be our thirty five percent because I knew I would enjoy writing about it the most. So we argued and argued to the point where we couldn’t decide on any particular order. Certain classmates just did not want to give up their opinions on any of the topics. I at least wanted Sexuality to be twenty five percent but nothing worked in order for other people to be considerate of others and let them have at least the second spot for our favorite topic. Our arguing did not work at all because we ended up just randomly choosing each topic since Mr. Sweeney decided that we would never decided on anything. Next time I feel like people need to be more mature and less stubborn in order for everyone to end happy with the topics or even just the order.  


  1. - I feel like the exercise was extremely unnecessary and overwhelming. It was a lot of red tape. But in general I think as a class we slightly bonded,except for the one or two who actually got upset, but all in all it allowed us to go another day without doing too much work. That's always a plus.

  2. Trying to build a consensus can be a messy process. But maybe now that people in class have suffered a bit with a lack of cooperation, they'll negotiate better next time. Sometimes pain does lead to gain, in the long run. Or as the British say, learning "isn't all beer and skittles, don't ya know, mate"

  3. I agree with you girl. I feel as if some of us should be opened-minded and mature about the situation. On the other hand I am okay with talking in class the hole time ;)

  4. We had the same problem in our class!
